Fancy Some Sweet Potatoes?

Oct 25, 2019 Brien Chua

Sweet potatoes can be transformed into a versatile dish, much like pasta that is layered with textures, color, and flavor. This root crop is the perfect ingredient for savory meals in the fall season. If you don’t have time to cook sweet potatoes in the oven, try using the microwave for a quick fix. You’ll find tangy and sweet flavors go well with this delicacy, such as caramelized onions, grapes, and vinegar. You can top it off with feta cheese, cilantro or other herbs for that Mediterranean twist.

Feta cheese is a Greek classic sourced from cow, goat, or sheep milk and can vary in flavor and saltiness based on where and how it is made. Every variety has a distinctive taste, and you can choose which one suits your palate. Add it to your cooked sweet potatoes and delight in this flavorful mix!

Just like some sweet potatoes, you can make easy raya cookies recipes at home for raya celebration.

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